The sequel to our pioneering 2017 film was an even more elegant mix of suave presenter and crisp visual effects.
‘Leadership’ is used to showcase Allergan’s innovation and deep involvement in the eyecare industry to healthcare professionals. There’s a lot to get across, but with clean, engaging infographics and top-class filmmaking it’s a film that was very well received.
Our behind-the-scenes film gives you a hint of the talent and time needed to shoot something like this, but of course there’s just as much creativity and precise planning involved before and after the cameras roll. Keep an eye out for the 2019 version!
Leadership 2018
The sequel to our pioneering 2017 film was an even more elegant mix of suave presenter and crisp visual effects.
‘Leadership’ is used to showcase Allergan’s innovation and deep involvement in the eyecare industry to healthcare professionals. There’s a lot to get across, but with clean, engaging infographics and top-class filmmaking it’s a film that was very well received.
Our behind-the-scenes film gives you a hint of the talent and time needed to shoot something like this, but of course there’s just as much creativity and precise planning involved before and after the cameras roll. Keep an eye out for the 2019 version!